August 1, 2009

IT Returns and Bills

Now I’m relatively at peace with myself. Somehow I lose it when there are too many pending things, specially things which are out of my control. Now, I have settled quite a few of things which were nagging me.

One of these were the IT-returns. Even though the process is decently simple, the complicated part was getting in touch with the CA, and then getting all those photocopies and bank statements. It was getting nightmare-ish for me to get everything at one place, and so I decided to do away with the CA. I think it makes much more sense to file your returns yourself (much like my belief that people should invest their money themselves, rather than going through consultants and mutual funds)

Other disturbing things were pending utilities bills, and a fine of the Credit Card delayed payment. I absolutely hate to pay fines, for monetary as well as disciplinary reasons. More so in this case as I had actually made the payment on time, and for some reasons the payment failed, and they had reversed the transaction in my account a couple of days later which I didn’t check. So, I had to fork out a fine of Rs 600 on a Rs 800 bill. I find this completely outrageous – and the funny thing is that inspite of this daylight robbery these banks lose billions every quarter :).

Went on to watch Harry Potter yesterday at IMAX, and the 3D part was absolutely amazing. I think the movie was decently good, though am still not sure if it was as good as the hype. This was my first Harry Potter movie, and even though I ideally planned to watch them in order, I realized that way I may have to watch all of them on small screen.


Linhy said...

how is this movie??? Follow me Calvin!!! I just started my blog so I got no followers yet =(

SK said...

Hey, its a nice movie...Imtiaz Ali is one of the better movie directors currently....

I keep a bookmark of the blogs I visit, but will add yours to my blogroll :) ...I don't really use the 'following' feature of blogger much...